Yesss, I have burnt caramel, first time ever. Might say it was Dustin’s fault, as I only popped out to the garden to throw a ball at him. When I came back it looked like a lava and was steaming too! š Having turned off the fire alarm I started again and coated some chopped bananas in it andĀ added some Havana rum.
I whipped some double cream with sugar and lime juice.It is a dessert inspired by Heston’s banana Eton mess, slightly changed and simplified by me, as usual. I toasted some hazelnuts, which turned out to be a lovely crunchy addition to the whole thing.
The bottom of the bowl was graced with some crushed meringue, then caramelised bananas, lime cream, some hazelnuts and like this again. I finished it off with some grated lime zest. After 3 hours in the fridge it tasted really lovely.

I fancied something light this evening and went to a chestnut mushroom risotto. Not sure if will be using that king of mushrooms for risotto again, wasn’t blown away by the favour. It was a nice meal, though.
I fried a shallot and some sliced mushrooms, added some arborio rice I had left after shopping at Carluccio’s (thereforeĀ Ā£2406Ā per kg) and coated it all nicely in the oil and shallot stuff. Then gradually added some hot chicken stock and white wine and kept on stirring- risotto has to be looked after all the time, can’t be left alone. The liquid has to be added gradually and not topped up until nearly completely evaporated. Herb wise I went for thyme from my garden and when the rice was nice and cooked after about 20 minutes, I added lots of lovely parmesan and topped it up with fresh rocket. And more parmesan.
As for the mushrooms it might be porcini next time. From the woods of Poland.

On the joys of cooking and eating