Sunday afternoon in the garden

Ewa and Kris came over today to dine with us, so I slaved in the kitchen for the first time in a while. The weather was nice too, that’s why the dining table was taken outside again. The starter this evening was a cute little onion and cheese tart. I made a quick shortcrust pastry from flour, butter and water, blind baked it and then filled with spicy onion chutney, blue stilton and baked off. Served with rocket and parmesan salad. All the diners enjoyed it and there was nothing left.

The main- lamb shanks, this time done properly in red wine and chicken stock with veggies, in the oven for nearly 3 hours, nicely came off the bone  (speaking of which, Ewa’s dog enjoyed all the bones some hours later). I served it with mash mixed up with some fried leeks – Nick’s suggestion.

We finished off with lemon pannacotta. No stress here, but I’m taking the remaining one for The Chief to taste tomorrow. Bit nervous, but looking forward to some constructive criticism.

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