Banana and maple cake

I spotted that recipe in one of last year’s editions of Good Food. I baked it this afternoon, it’s moist, springy, sweet and sticky and I love it.

First I prepared the tin, lined with the baking paper, in went about 4 spoons of maple syrup, then 3 ripe bananas, cut in half and placed down in the syrup, while the oven was heating up to 160 degrees ( gas 3).

For the cake itself I used 100 g of softened butter, one ripe banana, 200 g of light muscovado sugar, 4 eggs, some vanilla paste, 200 g of self raising flour, 100 g of ground almonds, 1 tsp of soda and a 200g pot of Greek yoghurt.

Butter, eggs, sugar, paste and banana got beaten up together, then in went flour, almonds and soda, yoghurt in the end. All this went onto the prepared bananas and baked for around an hour. When ready, I pricked the cake and poured some more maple syrup onto the little holes, then turned it upside down.

Very, very happy with the result.

Spag-bol. :-)

Having posted that link from “Eat. Pray.Love”, I just had to make some lovely spaghetti bolognese and give it a spot, as we love the dish and the good French wine we bought in Paris last time, it was a fantastic supper.

My sauce takes at least 1,5 hour to cook. I first sautee the onions and carrots, some celery, in goes the mince, once it’s browned I add red wine, then the tinned tomatoes, good amount of seasoning, herbs and let it simmer for at least an hour. When it’s ready, will all the flavours sitting nicely together, I cook the pasta and mix it all together, finish off with black pepper and freshly grated parmesan. A glass of good red- a must.
