A green tea sponge cake has been on my mind for a while, today, on my day off I got cracking. The idea came from The Chief, who made a GT tiramisu a few months ago, I thought I’d see if my mom’s sponge recipe with the addition of GT would work or not. The Chief suggested infusing the GT powder with a bit of hot milk, so it doesn’t lose the flavour. For the sponge I whipped 4 egg whites with a glass of sugar- my mom’s measurements :-), kept on adding the egg yolks, then the GT infusion, which took about 1,5 tea spoons of the GT powder and about 30ml of hot milk. Then I folded in 4 tbsp of plain flour, 2 tbsp of potato flour and 1 tsp of baking powder. All this baked in 180 degrees for about 30 mins, until the cake came off the sides of the tin. Then left to cool and sliced in half.
The cream was a bit of a challenge. I cooked budyń plus a spoonful of plain flour, cooled it and whizzed with 1/3 of a margarine. The taste was not amazing, so I threw a banana in and some vanilla paste and was then quite satisfied, so in it went, I saved some for the top, although I think white chocolate would do nicely too. I finished it off with toasted hazelnuts and flaked almonds. Next time a touch more GT powder, the colour is ok, but it could do with more flavour. Texture- spot on. 🙂