A spontaneous idea I had this afternoon, while bolognese sauce was bubbling away on the stove and I was wondering what should we have for dessert after lasagne. I had a small bottle of a delicious mango juice in the pantry, which I warmed up just to be able to melt 2 gelatine leaves and left it to cool. Quickly magicked up a sponge base with usual recipe and when it was cool and ready, I whipped some double cream with lemon juice and sugar. I was slowly adding the mango and gelatine mixture to it, then a touch more lemon juice to taste. On the sponge base I scattered some chopped peaches- I had no canned mango, which is a shame, onto the peaches went the cream and mango mixture. 4 hours in the fridge was enough for it to set nicely, sadly, having pigged nearly whole lasagne, we had no space for the cake last night, so it was only tasted today. Well pleased with it, I took some to Rob as a peace offering- more work is needed with our wall in the attic room, which he will have to sort out. More cake will be enjoyed tonight with season 2 of “House of Cards”.

I can’t believe I have missed it.
You did on this occasion, but name a date and make your demands- it shall be made for you. 🙂