This kind of cooking makes me really happy. I woke up at 7 am this morning, as usual, to the sounds of Iz playing in her room, stole a few more minutes and while postponing the moment I had to leave lovely warm bed, I thought of the sauce I’d make later on today.Ā And when I did make it and then served it with a glass of my absolute favourite Catena cab sav from Argentina( closely followed by secondĀ glass), I thought- I am happy. This is my food heaven. And best of all- I made it myself.
Sunday, rainy, homey, apple strudel baked by lunch, nice, but not sensational. 
While the oven was hot I put in a tray of 4 chopped peppers, some shallots, a few garlic cloves, a tomato( tasting of nothing in particular, it could only be roasted), olive oil and some seasoning. 190 degrees, about an hour. Once cooled I removed the skins from garlic, shallots and tomato and blitzed it all into a thick paste.
While Paul and Izzie were splashing in the bath upstairs a few hours later, I got cracking with my sauce. Fried up a shallot, some celery, 2 cup mushrooms, 2 rashers of bacon. Added my pepperĀ paste. Then, a bit of genius kicked in, I had no fresh chili, but I had gochujang, Korean hot pepper paste.Ā Added a generous teaspoon. Chicken stock. A splash of double cream.
For me that sauce served with tagliatelle was 10 out of 10. And if I had some fresh basil it would have been 10,5. Cab sav made it all sing in my mouth. Florek said he found it a touch too thick, so for him next time- and there will be lots of next times- a splash of starchy water from the pasta with that sauce, that will do it.
I’m genuinely proud of myself!!! š