Ocado delivers our weekly shopping on Tuesdays, so this evening the fridge is quite empty, but clean in anticipation for the goods arriving tomorrow. What to make for supper was an issue only for a few minutes, as soon as I found some arborio rice in the pantry, I knew there would be risotto. Also, there was some of that Argentinian pinot grigio left in the fridge from Saturday, perfect amount to make the risotto. Simple, as usual. Finely chopped onion fried on olive oil, arborio in and after a minute or so bit by bit- chicken stock and wine and like that till the rice was nicely cooked. I added 4 fried cup mushrooms, a handful or porcini and a good dollop of Crema Tarfuffata, before finishing with grated parmesan- in and out, as well as a few drops of truffle oil. Dieting Florek did have seconds, for the first time in 2 weeks. Thumbs up.