Last night we hosted a little pizza bake off between myself and my brother. We’re both ambitious cooks, both claimed we make better pizza than the other, so last night we tried to settle this dispute with the help of friends, as audience, company, jury and of course- consumers. Pankowscy came, bringing along Wiola’s brother Maciek and his wife Sandra, who happened to be turning 28 last night. Between us we put on the table 6 or 7 pizzas, all but one were eaten, enjoyed and our guests politely agreed that all were delicious and we must do it again to maybe agree a verdict. The night before I baked a meringue, thinking we’d need something light and sweet after all the pizzas. It was my first ever and it was freaking spectacular!!!! Crunchy and light, yet gooey and cloudy inside. 6 egg whites made it, 300 g of sugar slowly added while kitchen aid worked wonders, a splash of lemon juice, 2 tbsps of potato starch added at the end. Baked in 150 degrees for 5 minutes, then down to 110 and slowly baked for nearly 2 hours, cooled in the oven too. On the night topped with whipped cream, mixed berries, lime zest and crunched pistachios. I believe it lasted about 15 minutes. Fantastic dessert and I can’t wait to be baking another!