The cake I’ve made for Ewa and Sophie had nothing to do with diet, everything to do with indulgence, calories and the general feeling of happy tummy. Which is what I’ve been struggling with recently. But life is tough, one needs to shut up and get on with the diet, whinging will not knock the kilograms down.
On this cake is called “Fried Egg Cake”, mine on the photo does not look as great as Dorota’s due to the jelly on top (pear flavoured) being distinctly green. It sits on a quick and easy genoese sponge; 2 eggs, separated, whites beaten with 1/3 glass of sugar, 100 g of flour added, yolks, 50 ml of sunflower oil, 1/2 tsp of baking powder. Baked in 160 degrees for about 20 minutes. Following the comments under the recipe I’ve moistened the sponge with some lemon juice before adding the cheese layer. It took about 280 g of white curd cheese from Polish deli, worked a bit by kitchen aid to add some air to it. A tub of mascarpone. A tub of Philadelphia. About 4 tbsps of icing sugar. 3 tbsps of lemon juice. A grape jelly, for which 200 ml of water was used as opposed to the usual 500 ml. 200 ml of double cream. All this gently whipped together. My one complaint would be the jelly which tasted a touch artificial, I’d never have guessed the cake was to taste of grapes. Calorific value I reckon about 3 million. 🙂
Canned apricots were arranged on top to look like fried eggs and finally a pear jelly, before the whole thing went to the fridge to set. Chopped pistacchios sprinkled on top before serving.
Both girls liked it, so did I, though I only allowed myself a small piece. Accompanied by lovely sunshine and some prosecco.