There was a bag of whole hazelnuts I bought in Biedronka, while visiting Mum a month ago. I toasted them this morning, removed the skins, blitzed them with icing sugar and made some really, really decent macaroons. I was planning on replacing some of that icing sugar with cocoa, but realized too late and only managed to add some cocoa, for the colour. Still, the shells made with hazelnuts and just a few grams of almonds taste great and smell fantastic. I filled them up with a combo of whipped cream and Philadelphia cheese ( who said it’s got to be mascarpone every time??), added vanilla paste and then a splash, or was it two? Of Baileys. I froze 20 shells ready for Christmas, but will also make some bright ones, red maybe or purple. Today’s efforts will be enjoyed while watching the heats of Masterchef the Professionals tonight. 🙂