Steve and Christina invited us back to their lovely place in Surrey and treated us to a great evening, once again. We’ve eaten very well indeed, I’ve picked up a few things that I will be trying next week and already placed the order with Amazon for some spring roll wraps.
The wraps were Steve’s first course and they were my favourite thing last night. They were filled with some lovely fresh prawns, some thinly sliced, marinated pork, which was quickly pan fried on a dry pan- Steve reckoned all the fat he needed was in the pork and managed to make them taste almost charred, best pork in a long time. There were beansprouts in there, also pan fried on a dry pan, some crunchy greens and herbs- coriander, basil and mint. The wraps, soft, fresh and exciting, all served with sweet chili sauce, I can’t stop thinking about them!!

Then we had a green, vibrant, healthy kale salad from Christina, crunchy, delicious, loaded with fresh prawns, nutty dressing, delicious, but a bit too much, as the main event, Pad Thai that I was so looking forward- I could hardly fit in.

Very exciting main course, again- fresh, slightly sweet, but also spicy, if I ever had a better Pad Thai, I don’t remember.

There was an ocean of wine, a plate of cheeses, but also a wild card- some pork belly, that landed on the table at 11pm and we only managed a piece each.
Phenomenal evening, now I’m going to see if I can reproduce those wraps, or maybe make them more my own?