It took me half a day to decide what to feed my family with this evening. There was a nice selection of veggies in the fridge, mostly spinach, that was going to end up in a spinach and ricotta lasagne. But I didn’t really fancy it, so I looked through internet quickly for ideas. And green gnocchi seemed like a smashing idea, we all love gnocchi in this house. I found a couple of recipes and ended up following my gut and experience. The result was a lovely supper, all finished, flushed down with some cab sav (yes, it is only Wednesday, but I wasn’t working hard in the kitchen for nearly 2 hours to have my gnocchi with water, right?!) and now kitchen’s all tidy, I have Girls Aloud on fairly loud and actually feel like dancing for the first time in ages. It must be the cab sav. 🙂
I loosely followed the recipe, so ended up with too much food. 800 g of potatoes is a bit too much. 300 g of flour is too much. 200 g of spinach is ok. I boiled the spuds in skins till soft, peeled them when still fairly hot, squeezed them through the ricer. Added spinach puree ( cooked down on butter with some mashed garlic and salt), then added flour, but kept checking the texture, I’m glad I did not whack the whole 300g in. Quickly shaped them, the water was on stand by. As soon as the gnocchi came to the surface, onto the sauce they went, then served with freshly grated parmesan and a drop of olive oil.
The sauce was my usual signature tomato sauce, half and half fresh tomatoes and passata, lovingly reduced. I keep saying to Florek, that the first thing I will cook when we’re back in Castelnuovo in August( Covid allowing) will be some wonderful sugo al pomodoro, with only fresh tomatoes. And fresh herbs. Mmm.