While having lunch in Lucca’s Piazza del Anfiteatro, one of our last lovely meals of this holiday, I went for a duck breast and ended up having one of best meals in a long time. This piece of duck was a little like a duck steak, if there is such a thing! The skin was nearly cremated, but the meat beautifully pink and nicely rested. It came with a pear and ginger sauce, some sad cucumber pickle- wasn’t pickled enough, didn’t really do anything and some fried leeks, tasty, but stringy and difficult to eat. I had a glass of rose to go with the dish and I absolutely loved it. More duck is needed! 🙂
And then there was pistacchio gelato. Some British ice cream makers should be shown this photo just to see, what it should look like, not a bright, radioactive green colour we can sometimes get at home. Like this;