While browsing French supermarket online last night I really felt like some madeleines. The fastest way would be to bake them, I thought, found a decent recipe on BBC Good Food and this morning engaged The Child to shell the pistachios and grind them. 50 g of them. 100 g of unsalted butter was getting melted on the stove. 55 g of plain flour got added to the pistachios. 25 g of my candied orange peel. 100 g of caster sugar, some of it vanilla sugar. 1 whole egg and 1 egg white. Both egg whipped stiff, all other ingredients apart from butter gently combined, butter at the end. Moulds were waiting, nicely greased by The Child. Once filled, they went into the oven at 170 degrees for around 12-13 minutes. Most delicious when eaten still warm, straight from the moulds!

Ohhh I would like to taste it!!!