Buon Natale a Polonia!

Our first Italian Christmas happens to be in Poland. 🙂 I was hoping for either Ewa or Moka to come over, but both found the flight costs too expensive and we would have ended up just the 3 of us, like in pandemic. So Floro treated us to a short trip to Poland and here we are, enjoying some Polish Christmas and getting fat.

Mum has done her best, as usual, we have eaten really well. On Christmas Eve two plates stood out for me, the golabki with only porcini filling, lovely and delicate and the herring, sweet one, with raisins and onions, so good.

But today for lunch there was goose. I think I only had goose once, minced, in pierogi, in Poland too, but today was so much better. It was cooked for a good few hours with salt, garlic and marjoram, served with my beloved kluski slaskie and red cabbage. A true feast, we all loved it.

Hopefully next Christmas we will all be in Tuscany is our new place, I would happily opt for a goose again.

When in Roma….

We’re on our way to Poland, via Firenze and Roma. We arrived in our overnight accommodation in Ciampino at 5pm, dumped the luggage and went back to see if we could see at least a tiny bit of Rome this evening. We did! We went towards Fontana di Trevi, very much enjoyed what we saw and then, when ready to eat, we sat in one of the touristy places and had- what else- cacio e pepe. With a good bottle of wine, which was needed after Elisabetta wrote that the offer we made on The House has been accepted (!!!).

Huge portions of pasta, I had not managed all of mine, but I was also helping Izzie with her very, very tasty margherita. Somehow after nearly 5 months in Italy this was my first ever plate of cacio e pepe. Very good indeed, almost too intense with pecorino romano and lots of freshly ground pepper, but it was very much enjoyed and the moods were excellent throughout the evening. Now off to Bozenka’s for 5 days of wonderful food!