One has arrived at the point in one’s life, when one is ready to start making jam. 🙂 Ha!!
Our last shopping trip to Nice resulted in bringing( among shit loads of other foodie stuff) some blackcurrant jam, for the sole purpose of making my favourite cake, but also some raspberry confiture, which Izzie has destroyed within a couple of days. The strawberry season is slowly coming to an end, what we grow in the garden is nowhere near enough for jam making, not this year anyway, so I got 3 packets in Esse yesterday, got some Fruttapec and made some jam this morning, for the first time in my life. Hopefully not the last too. I really enjoyed making it.

I started with sterilising a few jars, washed, they went into the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees, while the lids sat in boiling water the same amount of time.
I took my time cooking down 1,5 kg of strawberries. When they were mostly all dissolved, but some pieces left for texture, I added 300g of sugar together with 1,5 packets of Fruttapec, I weighed it all, can’t be too sure you’re getting stuff right when making something for the first time.
Cooked and stirred the mixture for about 4 minutes, then divided it between my jars waiting on the side, screwed the lids on and turned the jars upside down for about an hour, before setting them straight up.

Once the stuff gets tasted and tested by all the Bankses, ideally on top of a wonderful toast, I might think of purchasing some jars and getting on with filling up a shelf in the pantry. Onwards and upwards!