All posts by Ola

I love eating. Even more than I love cooking. My Mum got this thing into me, being a working woman with two kids and still managing to put a two course dinner on the table for us every day. My meals are a lot simpler, I cook for two, with Florian being my most devoted fan and audience. There is nothing more rewarding than a nicely turned out meal. There is nothing more enjoyable that a great plate of food in a decent restaurant with a glass of great red in a nice company. Hence this blog, to share ideas and joy of good food. Bon Appetit.

Chicken meatballs with home made teriyaki sauce.

10 out of  10, slash triumph! 🙂

I’m really pleased with it. The recipe from the recent GF with lots of my personal touches. First, the chicken bollocks. I pulsed some chicken thigh meat in my tiny blender inherited from Colin, grated a carrot and chopped a large shallot. Seasoned it well, salt, pepper, soy sauce, good splash of sesame oil and baked in the hot oven for about 20 minutes on the baking parchment. Then I made teriyaki. I. MADE. TERIYAKI. From scratch. By myself. And it’s absolutely fucking lovely!!!!!

What GF was suggesting did not convince me, so I googled it and used my common sense plus what I know from Ubon and Dinings, what it should look like, what it should taste like. I threw 5 tbsp of brown sugar onto the pan, 1/2 tsp of ground ginger, 1/4 cup of soy sauce, 1/2 cup of water, 2 tbsp of honey and warmed it up slowly, it had the wrong, muddy colour and was not thickening. I added a generous tbsp of corn flour mixed with 1/2 cup of water and after a good 10 minutes of  patient stirring I had a triumph. It was so good, that I poured myself a glass of martini to toast it, while chatting online with Agata.

I served with basmati rice, seasoned well and with lots of fresh coriander and some steamed pak choi, which I nearly forgot about….


Yeah. I’m a talent.:-)



Short crust pastry, spot on!

This evening Oluta made quiche. Nothing amazing about it, apart from the fact that there was no shortcrust pastry at Waitrose. I wasn’t bothered, I did a quick research and opted out for Fucking Gordon’s recipe. And it was fantastic. 200 g of plain flour, 100 g of butter, 100ml of water is all it takes. I blitzed flour with cold butter until the texture was breadcrumbs-like, then added the water and worked it into a lovely pastry within a couple of minutes. It was then left in the fridge to rest. Afterwards, the usual story, blind baked, then filled with some red onion chutney on the bottom, fried pancetta with leeks and some peas, topped with a runny mixture of double cream, 2 eggs, grated cheese, nicely seasoned featuring nutmeg in large amount. And baked for about 25 minutes. It was a brilliant quiche, served with a green salad.

Next time I’ll buy shortcrust pastry, I’ll give myself a smack right afterwards.


First thought this morning when I woke up- Sunday at work, tick. Done. I convinced Florian to stay at home this morning as well and decided to make the one recipe from the most recent GF magazine, that really caught my attention. I did. The state of the kitchen says it all.

For banana pancakes I used 140 g of self raising flour, a tsp of baking powder, 3 tbsps of brown sugar, 120m l of milk, 25 g of melted butter, 2 eggs and a large mashed banana. The recipe recommends frying them on butter, I did  it with first 3, then switched to olive oil, as butter burns quickly. I grilled some bacon in the meantime, the nice, thin, American style bacon, that I can only get in Sainsbury’s, made us coffee and was ready to serve. With some maple syrup for a glossy finish.

Double chocolate and raspberry cake.

Inspired by a recipe from GF, but I baked it to take something to work tomorrow, the only Sunday this year that we have to work, some sugar will be welcome is Dinings, I think.

For 2 small cakes I used 225 g of good dark chocolate, 175 g unsalted butter melted together with a single espresso. I whipped 5 whole eggs with 140 g of sugar, until nice, thick and foamy, added 100 g of ground almonds to it, 3 heaped spoons of self raising flour and baked it all for 25 minutes in 160 degrees. The original recipe said the cake should bake for 15 minutes and be slightly underbaked. I didn’t want it to be a chocolate fudge, I wanted it not too heavy and easy to slice. When cooled, I sliced it and layered with raspberry jam. The topping is made of white chocolate and 100 ml of double cream, topped with fresh raspberries.  Rich, but not too heavy. Mission accomplished.

Baileys Creme Brulee.

I loved the way it tasted. I managed not to overdo the amount of Baileys, what I cocked up, was overcooking it. Although I followed the recipe guidelines, 50 minutes in 150 degrees, gas mark 2, the texture was not right. It had nothing to do with the silkiness a good creme should have. Damn. I’ll do it again, but will take them out after 30 minutes or so.

For 2 large cremes I used 160 ml of double cream, flavoured with some vanilla paste, a tbsp or a touch more of Baileys, all heated up till nearly boiling. I whipped 2 egg yolks with a tbsp of caster sugar and then – new and efficient!- I switched from electric mixer to a whisk, while slowly incorporating the hot cream into the egg mixture. What I discovered, was that there was no need for straining, as the manual whisk did not generate so much froth as the electric one.  But still- overcooked. Maybe on Saturday I’ll do it again. It needs to be perfect.

Chicken with an X-factor.

I was hoping to make it look as good as some of the Masterchef stuff, it didn’t go THAT well, but it was a lovely, tasty dinner. I’d really like all the mess in the kitchen to clean itself now, but somehow doubt it will happen.

First, I roasted off some lovely winter veggies in the oven, I used a parsnip, some butternut squash, a beetroot and a few shallots, which I finished off with some truffle oil. It made a lovely side dish. Boneless chicken thighs I flattened and stuffed with chopped, cooked porcini mushrooms, rolled, seasoned and placed in the pot with my lovely sauce in the making. The sauce I made by frying some chopped shallots, adding mushroom stock and chicken stock cube. When the chicken cooked through, I finished the sauce by thickening it with some flour and cream, seasoned well and topped with fresh thyme. Served with creamy mustard mash.


Chocolate & raspberry tart with hazelnut creme fraiche.

I needed a dessert, that was a perfection. I needed it for 2 reasons. One, I made a cold cheesecake last night. Baileys cheesecake with a coffee jelly, bla bla bla, but I didn’t do a very good job with the gelatine, it didn’t set, it went down the bog this morning. An annoying waste. Two, Florian went shopping on Sunday and bought some cooking chocolate, as an indication perhaps, of what he had in mind, dessert wise. He made me laugh last night, putting together  a correct Polish sentence, saying “kupilem czekolade i co, i mam kurwa sernik”  🙂 I had to reward him with some chocolate dessert.  Irritatingly, when looking for a recipe on the net today, I found plenty of recipes calling  for ready short crust pastry. I can do better than that and I found the proper recipe. Pastry therefore, 250 g of plain flour, 75 g of caster sugar, 125 g unsalted butter, 2 beaten egg yolks all mixed together, then blind baked for 25 minutes on gas mark 4, extra 10 minutes minus the baking beans. Not the most show- stopping pastry case I’ve ever made, must be said.

The filling, zero calorie one, 200 ml of double cream heated up and around 300 g of dark chocolate melted in it, until thick and lovely. I added a splash of Kahlua as well, but can’t really taste it, to be honest. Fresh raspberries went on to the slightly cooled case, chocolate mixture onto it and into the fridge for a couple of hours. I finished it off with some chopped, toasted hazelnuts and to serve, a creme fraiche with the said hazelnuts and  touch of icing sugar. Rich. Nice.

Cheesy Swiss bake.

Random thing I made this evening, I came across the recipe somewhere, but had to Olutafy it a bit, as the original called for bacon, raclette cheese and so on. I thought, no bacon is better for this dish than pancetta, instead of onion, leeks will do a much better job flavour wise, and as for the cheese, I think raclette belongs with raclette, I used Gruyere.

I peeled and chopped the spuds into small chunks, quick boiled them for about 5 minutes, then mixed with fried pancetta lardons and fried leeks, some double cream, a splash of Chablis, grated Gruyere and seasoned all to taste nicely. I baked it for about 30 mins under the foil, then removed it to crisp the top up a touch. Worked a treat. It wouldn’t be amazing on its own, so I made a nice green bean salad to go with it, but it would make  an evil side dish, I think. To a roast, for instance.

Spiced coffee and date cake.

Paul Hollywood’s recipe. The only one from the most recent edition of Good Food, the Christmas edition, that I felt like doing right away. Hollywood dude seems like he knows what he’s doing on The Great British Bake Off, so I gave this one a try. What I like about it is the lovely smooth texture, it seems light and yummy, I will be much more generous next time with the ground ginger, cinnamon, orange zest and nutmeg. I will in fact double it, I think!

For the cake I used 75 g of pitted dates, which I soaked in 250 ml of hot, strong black coffee, then one egg, 75 g of melted butter, 140 g of caster sugar and a zest of 1 orange I’ve beaten together, poured in the coffee minus the dates, then added 175 g of plain flour, the said cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmeg, 2 tsp of baking powder, mixed it all in and poured onto the baking tray. The soaked dates went on top. It baked for 40 minutes in 160 degrees and the whole house smelled fantastic.

Towards the end I made the topping, which I think can be improved as well, Paul says 50 g of butter melted with 100 g of muscovado sugar, stirred on the low heat, with a tbsp of water to make it shiny, then a good handfull of pecan nuts.

It will be made again, but it will be Olutafied. 🙂