Category Archives: Baking

Maple and hazelnut shortbread.

So many things have been cooked and baked for the last 2 months, but not many deserved to be blogged about, these cookies though have to be here, the smell in the kitchen is intoxicating!

I’ve been looking for a recipe for maple cookies that would at least resemble those that Florek brought from Canada a couple of times.  Last week I pulled some recipe from the web and made half a portion, they were mediocre and turned hard within a few hours, most ended up in the bin. So I thought I’d try my regular shortbread recipe, add a splash of maple syrup and a handful of nuts and see what happens.  For about 25 small round cookies I used 110 g of plain flour, 90 g of soft butter, 40 g of sugar- less than normally, as maple syrup followed, 50 ml of it, as well as 50 g of chopped hazelnuts. Rolled into a handsome sausage with cling film and chilled for over an hour and then sliced and baked in 180 degrees for about 13 minutes.

These hardened as well as the other ones last week, but they taste of roasted nuts, butter and maple syrup. Good, but the recipe hunt  for awesome maple cookies is not over.

Cinnamon & apple macaroons.

I saw these on tv, no recipe, but the idea appealed to me straight away. I love cinnamon, so I had to try. Made the macaroons usual way, minus the artificial colouring, but nearly 2,5 tsps of cinnamon went in. I kept on adding until I was satisfied and still managed not to overdo it. The filling took a bramley apple and one pink lady cooked down  to a pulp with some vanilla sugar, mixed with 2 gelatine leaves, then cooled. I wanted the filling to keep its shape and it did quite well, without having a jelly consistency.

The result is a bit like a crunchy apple pie, lovely, warming from the spice, crunchy from the meringue. Good one!

Easy cake with fruit.

Tree surgeons are coming over tomorrow morning to take care of the conifers at the back of our garden. I will have some coffee for them, but I wanted something to go well with that coffee. I had some peaches in the fruit bowl that nobody was particularly interested in, a nectarine, some apricots, found a recipe in my recipe book called “Easy cake with fruit” and within 20 minutes ( plus 30 in the oven) produced a cake that’s  so nice, I’m wrapping it up and putting away, otherwise there won’t be much left for tomorrow.  I used 3 eggs, whole, which I’ve beaten with about 6 tbsps of sugar. Half a vanilla budyn, dry, half a tall glass of plain flour, some baking powder. Half a cube of butter, a bit less than that, as I decided to melt it in the microwave and it exploded there. So to the mixture of eggs, sugar and flour I added most of that half, kept some for a delicious crumbly topping. Those chopped peaches and apricots in, round tin ready, oven at 180 degrees. The crumbly topping was random as well. I chucked some sugar, some flour, some ground almonds and that remaining melted butter into the kitchen aid and after a few seconds it was ready to go onto the cake.

Fantastic smell in the kitchen, 30 minutes was all it took. Super good cake.

Super light cheesecake.

I felt like e cheesecake for a while now, couldn’t decide what kind to make, having purchased a lovely soft curd cheese in Polish deli. Something with pistachios was on my mind, but in the end I got tempted by Dorota’s offer of a light, baked, soufflet like thing, baked without a base. I had to try, left out the lemon glaze and made some rhubarb/apple topping, which I was hoping would break the sweetness.

375 g of the curd cheese, 25 g of soft butter, 3 egg yolks ( whites whipped separately), half a glass of sugar plus a vanilla sugar, as well as vanilla paste, double cream, about 1/4 of a glass, potato starch, 1,5 tbsps- generous ones. Half a glass of milk, but having read the reviews I was careful adding the milk to the mixture in the kitchen aid, as I was worried it would be too runny. Added a bit less.  Once combined, the whipped egg whites went in, incorporated gently and then into the small round tin, the bottom of which lined with baking paper. 150 degrees, about 1 hour.

The cheesecake has risen, then fell a bit, like the recipe said it would.

It cooled in the fridge throughout the afternoon, then I topped with cooked rhubarb and apple kinda compot.

I do like the lot. It it super light, moist and tricky to handle, but different and very pleasant to eat. I’m not sure if I’d rush to be making it again, I think the salted caramel cheesecake is unbeatable so far.  More than half of the cheese in the freezer though, so watch this space!


I’m currently reading the 5th installment of “Cukiernia pod Amorem”, where jagodzianki are mentioned far too often for someone like me, who loves baking and eating and who would be a regular customer in the said Cukiernia, if only it existed and was found around the corner. I had to try to make the jagodzianki, Wiola’s taste of childhood, as she said.  My Mum makes yeasty dough regularly, she likes making small buns and filling them up with wild blueberries, something one can only dream  about in the UK. In Poland, if summers are warm and one knows where to go, they can be picked in the woods. Dorotka in opted for American bluberries, available in the UK all the time, the reviews under the recipe were splendid, so last Sunday, with 30 degrees outside, I baked jagodzianki.

I started with denying my Mum’s golden rule, that yeasty dough MUST be made by hand and used my kitchen aid. I’ve made half a portion, worried I’d end up with a  ton of dough. 250 g of plain flour, some of which I used alongside 7 g of fresh yeast, 125 ml of warm milk and some sugar to make me a nice zaczyn, which only needed 5 minutes in the sun outside to foam up. 1 whole egg, a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar, 4 tbsps of caster sugar and then 40 g of melted and cooled butter. I found the dough extremely sticky and runny, so ended up adding 2 big tbsps of flour before I left the dough to rise for about 1,5 hour, till doubled. I then formed 8 oval buns, filled with bluberries sweetened and tossed with some potato starch. The buns were then left to rise further and finally baked in 200 degrees for 18-20 mins according to the recipe – mine took less and were still a bit too dark.

Now, I have to say they taste a lot better than they look. Before I glazed them Florian took one look and said “what happened here?”(grrrrrr!). But even 2 days later 2 remaining buns still taste good and will most likely go today.

Not bad, but not amazing.


Nuts is I,  as I fancy baking when it’s 32 degrees outside.  This was fun baking, as it didn’t require the oven.

I first tried these when my aunt, my Mum’s sister started baking them having purchased some sophisticated piece of machinery from the Russians on the market.  2 years ago I purchased one for Mum and one for myself, much simpler though, they look like panini toaster until you open them. Funky, not too expensive. Mum has used hers numerous times since then, mine sat in the attic until today, when I decided it is time to bake the nuts.

The recipe for the dough takes 1,5 tall glasses of flour, 2 egg yolks, 5 tbsps of sugar plus one vanilla sugar, 2 tbsps of sour cream, 75 g of butter, 0,5 tsp of bicarb soda and a splash of hazelnut vodka( optional). This was worked briefly and then made into mini gnocchi shaped things which then went into the nut maker and quickly baked. It takes some feel and some practice to make them small, cute and beautiful, I only started today, so I had to trim the edges on the majority of the nuts shells. Overall, the process is quick and pleasant.

The filling. 125 g of walnuts, which I first toasted ( Mum seemed a bit offended I’m screwing with her recipe, but I prefer nuts roasted first), then ground. 1/4 tall glass of water in the pan, 125 g of butter, half a glass of sugar and some vanilla sugar in, brought to the boil. A tbsp of cocoa. All slightly cooled, ground nuts in. A tall glass of powdered milk in. Initially the filling was a touch too runny, but it set nicely and I was able to transfer in to the piping bag and fill in the shells. I have a feeling they will taste better the next day, when the shells take some of the filling in and soften a touch. Room for improvement in terms of looks, but I’d also try with hazelnuts or maybe even  pecans??????!

Pavlova, debut.

Last night we hosted a little pizza bake off between myself and my brother. We’re both ambitious cooks, both claimed we make better pizza than the other, so last night we tried to settle this dispute with the help of friends, as audience, company, jury and of course- consumers.  Pankowscy came, bringing along Wiola’s brother Maciek and his wife Sandra, who happened to be turning 28 last night. Between us we put on the table 6 or 7 pizzas, all but one were eaten, enjoyed and our guests politely agreed that all were delicious and we must do  it again to maybe agree a verdict. The night before I baked a meringue, thinking we’d need something light and sweet after all the pizzas.  It was my first ever and it was freaking spectacular!!!! Crunchy and light, yet gooey and cloudy inside. 6 egg whites made it, 300 g of sugar slowly added while kitchen aid worked wonders, a splash of lemon juice, 2 tbsps of potato starch added at the end. Baked in 150 degrees for 5 minutes, then down to 110 and slowly baked for nearly 2 hours, cooled in the oven too. On the night topped with whipped cream, mixed berries, lime zest and crunched pistachios. I believe it lasted about 15 minutes.  Fantastic dessert and I can’t wait to be baking another!

Summer tart.

I purchased a posh looking tart case in CoinCasa, an awesome home shop in Lucca. Last year I left 80 euro there, this year a bit less, could easily have ruined my credit card there!

The first tart from the case had to be summery one, with strawberries from my own patch in the garden, some raspberries, shortcrust pastry and creme pat. For the pastry I used 110 g of cold butter, 175 g of plain flour, 25 g of icing sugar, 1 egg yolk and a bit of water to bind it. Once in the case, I chilled it for 30 minutes then blind baked for 12 minutes, beans away for another 15 in about 180 degrees.  Tasty pastry, but so short, that handling it was quite difficult, might try a different ratio next time.

The creme pat was a disappointment, which is shocking, as I used Mary Berry’s method. Might be that I cocked it up! It tasted great, but was too runny even after a  night in the fridge.  I used 3 eggs, 70 g of vanilla sugar ( Mary’s recipe called for 90), 60 g of plain flour and whisked it up, while 400 ml of milk was heating up.  A splash of this milk helped loosen the egg mixture a bit. Hot milk got added slowly to the eggs, altogether returned to the pan and stirred for a few minutes until thickened- was the plan, but it didn’t thicken sufficiently. I also found it quite grainy, but not an issue a sieve couldn’t take care of.  Fresh fruit on top and then a strawberry jelly, half a portion, which I also hurried a bit and it resulted with half  of it messing up my fridge shelf.

So overall I had a good looking tart, at least until I sliced it! It tasted great, but will need more patience next time and a different ratio for the creme pat. Will be done again and improved.

Light chocolate nutty cake.

On Dorota’s blog it’s called “brownie for kids”. It’s nothing like a brownie, but it’s very quick and easy to make, it’s light, delicious and I was able to recycle one of 2 remaining  chocolate Easter bunnies. Not much mess in the kitchen either, even though a 4 year old enthusiastic helper was involved in the making of it.

110 g of butter, melted, 110 g of chocolate added to it, I used 80 g of milk bunny and 20 g of dark chocolate., nicely combined till a thick, silky sauce appeared. 2 whole eggs gently whipped by hand with 90 g of sugar ( 110 in original recipe). Butter and choc mix added. 110 g of plain flour with 0,5 tsp baking powder added.  100 g of chopped walnuts. Into a lined tray, sprinkled with flaked almonds and into the oven. 170 degrees, 25 minutes.  Will be fab with black coffee. 🙂

Custard slice.

Life is treating us so well lately, that at the end of the day, when the Child retires upstairs, one simply wants a mug of steaming tea and a slice of a fabulous cake.  Custard slice delivers. It’s not particularly challenging, it was the first time I’ve made custard with gelatine though. One thing- it’s quite difficult and messy to eat. Puff pastry looks great, but without a serrated knife one curses like a trucker.

Shop bought block of puff pastry, about 500 g, ready rolled out, divided in two, both sprinkled with icing sugar and flaked almonds- the almonds are a great idea, baked, they tasted great. They need to  be pressed gently into the pastry, then secured with baking paper, a heavy tray on top and into the oven for about 30 mins, 200 degrees, best to keep an eye on the edges, easy to burn.

In the meantime, the custard. I soaked 1,5 gelatine leaf, gently whipped 3 egg yolks and then added them to a mixture of 750 ml of milk, 250 ml of double cream, some vanilla paste, 100 g of corn flour, 25 g of custard powder( a first for me again, never bought it before), 100 g of sugar. All this, plus the yolks gently heated up, stirring all the time until nice and thick. Off the heat, gelatine in.

The baked pastry needed to be trimmed a little in order to fit in the tray nicely, custard onto it, pastry on top. Chilled for about 4 hours and was ready to eat.

I have to say that the custard when tasted still warm did not wow me. Not sure if it was that powder that made it taste artificial and cheap, but those hours in the fridge changed the taste for the better.  Nice one from 🙂