Category Archives: Good Food

Brazilian prawn stew.

…Or, as the GF website advertises it- Bahia style Moqueca prawn stew. I had a craving for prawns, since last night on Masterchef some so called celebrities ( sic!) were making prawn cocktail. Or attempting it, let’s be honest.  So I went to Whole Foods today and for the first time ever found no fresh prawns in the fish counter.  In the freezer however there were  1 kg bags of Indian tiger shrimps, at the eye watering price of £16.99. That’s what maternity allowance is for, buying prawns at  £16.99. Yeah. So I did.  And there’s still half a bag left in the freezer for another time.

Erm, it was a pleasure cooking it; the baby was asleep in her basket, I was sipping lovely chilled Pinot Gris and making something new.

I started from marinating the prawns in lime juice, garlic and salt mixture.  I then  fried a shallot and 2 spring onions, half a chopped red pepper afterwards along with some chilli flakes and hot paprika. Next time there will be more chilli, fresh one, more lime, more kick. 3 chopped plum tomatoes  and a can of coconut milk in, all this reduced slightly, but not thick enough to my liking, so I used good old corn flour to make the consistency right. And at the end the prawns, with all the marinade, a touch more seasoning, lots of fresh coriander and onto the table. Served with steamed rice and great wine. Enjoyed with Florek. 🙂



Pulled pork & mojito weekend.

For that weekend I was waiting for months, since February, I think, when Jana booked her plane tickets.  I might have even asked Jedrus to put 14th June in his calendar, as I really wanted my 2 awesome friends to finally meet. Plus, I had no mojitos for over a year, now was the time to make up it- Jedrek makes them like nobody else, sweet and lovely.

I became a fan of pulled pork when working in The Oak. When the latest GF magazine came through the door, with a pulled pork roll on the cover I knew what I’d be making for the weekend. The roll on the cover is a brioche bun, which I skipped and pre ordered 15  lovely white rolls from the local bakery, 2,5 kg of pork shoulder from my butcher and a condiment from Amazon, which added some excellent smoky flavour to my meat, a liquid smoke. Next weekend I’m going to try with prawns or chicken, I think it will be great.

So, the pork shoulder was nicely browned on all sides on the pan, then placed on a wire rack and lovingly rubbed with a marinade of 2 tsp of smoked paprika, 2 tsp of mustard powder, 1 tsp of onion salt and garlic salt and that liquid smoke. It sat in the oven for 5 hours in 150 degrees, well covered with foil and with a cup of water added to the toasting tin, to help the temperature and juice circulation.

After 5 hours I shredded the meat with a  couple of forks, it was beautifully soft. I mixed the juices from the tin with a shop bought bbq sauce and a touch more of the liquid smoke.

To serve, we had those lovely soft rolls and I also made fresh coleslaw- white cabbage, carrot, a shallot, mayo and lots of seasoning. Extra bbq sauce was served as well, the meat had to  be moist and flavoursome.

That was my contribution. Mojitos were made exclusively by Jedrus Bialowas.  Sheer quality and awesomeness. 🙂





Monkfish curry.

Ocado brought me 2 small monkfish fillets and I decided to cook them in a curry. It was the first time ever I cooked monkfish and I must say, it wasn’t a bad attempt. Good fish is never bad!

It’s been a while since I made curry last time, due to being pregnant, but when I make it, I still use Kamal’s recipe, plus a few of my personal touches. I like to finely chop a sweet potato and throw it in, I had none today, also, I had to do without coriander ( abomination!!!!!) .But I made the paste with 2 shallots, 3 garlic cloves and some fresh ginger, fried it quickly, added equal amounts of curry powder, ground cumin, ground cardamon, some chilli. Threw a few chopped tomatoes, a can of coconut milk, some mange tout and green peas. And monkfish, at the end. Served with basmati rice topped with fried shallots. Shame about the lack of coriander. ;-/

Kluski drozdzowe na parze.

One of my favourite things to eat at Mum’s. She’s here this week, babysitting, so she made these on my request.

250 ml of warm milk mixed with 4 g of fresh yeast and 3 tbsps sugar, 35-40 g of plain flour, a pinch of salt, 50 g of butter.  Yeast, 1 tbps of sugar, 2 tbsp of flour and some milk make the base to look like double cream. Leave to prove.

Cream 2 egg yolks with the remaining sugar. Add to the proven dough, add the remaining milk, ad the flour, the salt, knead well in the glass bowl for about 15 minutes, if by hand. Add the melted, NOT HOT butter and continue kneading for another 5 minutes. Leave to prove again, for about 20-30 minutes.

Shape into small buns, steam for about 7 minutes. Serve with fresh fruit, strawberries, raspberries or blueberries and lightly whipped cream.

Rich, filling, delicious comfort food.




Creamy courgette risotto.

From the latest edition of GF.  Slightly different to the way I normally make it, with wine, no mascarpone, but one has to try new things. One is finally a mum now, by the way, so sometimes one needs to wait with cooking dinner, as there other priorities , as shown below. 🙂

A shallot chopped and fried with a grated courgette, the arborio in for a few minutes to soak in the flavours, the chicken stock, gradually, until the rice is cooked. Towards the end I added a large spoon of mascarpone, lots of parmesan and left in for a few minutes. In the meantime I toasted the pine nuts and fried a few courgette chunks on butter. My addition was parma ham on top, it can’t be too vegetarian!

Pleasant, creamy, filling, but prefer traditional risotto.


A different way with tortelloni.

I served us some peace of mind in terms of vitamins and nutritional value this evening.  I saw the recipe on GF website, liked it, but I olutafied it up, in order not to have it too healthy…:-)

I fried a chopped shallot, some pancetta, celery, a small carrot and some crushed garlic, added chicken stock and a can of chopped tomatoes and let it boil away for a few minutes. Into that went some lovely chopped French beans and the main ingredient- tortelloni, spinach and ricotta filled. I gave it 3 more minutes, finished off with chopped basil,seasoned well, sprinkled grated parmesan and served. Filling, healthy, tasty as well as quick and easy.


Asparagus, sundried tomato and olive loaf.

First of today’s achievements.  The second dish I will get cracking with as soon as the loaf is documented. 🙂 What a lovely feeling when something that beautiful comes out of the oven!

I saw the recipe in GF a while ago, but decided to make it yesterday, when I saw a new season asparagus from Wye Valley in Whole Foods.  Quickly blanched it, while the oven was getting hot to 190 degrees, then made the dough out of 200 g of self raising flour, 100 ml of olive oil and milk, 3 beaten eggs, some thyme leaves from the garden. And then chopped sun dried tomatoes, roughly 100 g, but they are quite intense in flavour, so will do less next time. A handful of olives. Half of the asparagus, chopped roughly and a handful of cheddar. The remaining asparagus I arranged on top, a sprinkle of cheddar and into the oven for 35-40 minutes.

It’s got a lovely crunch on top, both Florek and I find it quite salty though- olives? Cheddar? It will be enjoyed with the soup shortly though. Off to the kitchen again!

Chicken parmigiana.

Very nice meal at the end of a productive day. I washed and ironed 3 bags full of quality baby clothes I inherited from Aska yesterday. My daughter is not yet born, but she already owns 2 pairs of jeans! 😉

I took 2 chicken breasts and flattened them, seasoned, washed in egg and then covered in breadcrumbs mixed with grated parmesan. Then I made a simple tomato sauce, sweated a shallot and  crushed garlic, threw in  a can of tomatoes and a handful of cherry tomatoes onto it, some sugar and dried oregano ( fresh oregano is looking very promising in the garden this early into spring). I also added a little herby jelly, new from Knorr, which lifted the sauce up nicely. It all went onto the bottom of the baking dish, then I quickly grilled my chicken, placed it on top, topped with grated parmesan and a bit of cheddar( maybe mozzarella next time) and finished in the oven until the cheese melted and the sauce was bubbling.

The chicken is lovely and moist, sauce tomatoey and herby, good pat on the back.

I served it with French bean salad and red rice, which my mum calls “Egyptian”, not sure why. Made in a similar way like risotto, minus the wine, the shallots and parmesan. Just quickly sweat the rice on olive oil, mix in a tbsp of tomato paste and then keep on adding chicken stock, until the rice is cooked. The taste might be enhanced by a touch of ketchup and vegeta. I like it reheated the next day for lunch, I made sure I’ll have some for tomorrow. 🙂


Sweet potato and goats cheese ravioli.

I was looking for something nice to serve Jedrus and Aska, who came over this weekend and picked this recipe from GF magazine, unaware of the fact they both disliked goats cheese (!!).

When it comes to home made pasta, we’re a great team, Florek and I. Florek makes the pasta – and the mess -I make the filling and put them together. This time I sexed up the recipe a bit, apart from a cooked and mashed sweet potato and mashed French goats cheese, I added parmesan, half a chopped red chili, some toasted pine nuts, fresh basil and lots of seasoning. I served them with chili infused oil and more pine nuts.  Both Jedrek and Aska enjoyed it in spite of their previous reservations, therefore- a success.

For dessert I made pannacotta just like in the previous recipe, all the same, only I infused the milk/ creme combo with good 2 tsps of green tea powder. The result was lovely- a bit like those green Kit Kats we were treated to whenever any of the Chiefs in Dinings went to Japan. Will be done again this way. DSC_5427


I consider myself a decent cook, yet today I was looking at recipes of macaroni cheese, because I have never made it before (!!) . I wanted a budget meal and Jamie Oliver’s recipe sounded like a nice one.  I managed to put a nice meal on the table this evening in spite of having a really bad day, when everything was falling out of my hands, I was kicking pans in the cupboard and nearly cried, when a ball of nutmeg fell into my sauce whole, off the grater. I suppose I could just blame it all on the hormones, right?

So, macaroni; while the pasta was in the pan, boiling away, I made the white sauce, starting off like bechamel, plus a few thinly sliced bits of garlic and 3 bay leaves all in before the milk. The cooked pasta went in alongside some grated cheese, Jamie said cheddar, I used what I had in the fridge and needed to be used, a combo of comte and jarlsbeg, plus, to make it healthier and more tasty- some crispy fried bacon. Seasoned with the said nutmeg, which I finally fished out, a few drops of worcestershire sauce and salt/pepper. And into the oven for about 30 mins, to crisp up and turn nice and golden on top.

Served with a nice, green salad, it was a very pleasant meal indeed.

For dessert I made skubaniec, inspired by my mum, who sent me a parcel full of goodies for Izzie, plus 13 jars full of jams, preserves and stuff.  Gotta get cracking with those jars, I thought. Hence skubaniec. Recipe somewhere around, in 2010 I believe.
