Semplicemente perfetto. x
It’s official. Black clouds started gathering after I stepped on the scales at Mum’s and saw 57 kg. Nah, I thought, it’s wrong, plus I really am eating all the time, when in Poland. Nothing to worry about.On return home however I stepped on our scales, slightly alarmed that the jeans I’ve bought in September, having worked on my waistline with Choda for 3 months… are getting tight. And there was some lard hanging above the belt. 🙁
I quickly came to the conclusion that I needed help of a dietician, as I have no will power whatsoever, I love eating, love baking and if I do nothing about the current state of affairs, I will soon see 60 kg on the scales and go up a size or 2 again. And have those big thighs I always dreaded. And a tyre around my waist, that’s already back and far too visible when I do Izzie’s hair sitting in front of the mirror on the landing.
I looked up bebio.pl, back to Choda, this time not for exercise, but to one of her dieticians. I’ve spent 20 minutes filling up different requirements- my lifestyle, likes and dislikes in the food department, set up a goal at 52 kg within 2 months and paid the fee of 99 zlotych ( 21 pounds).
On Monday morning I received an email with the first installment of a diet designed for me. I dreaded it, but at a first look it’s not that bad. It does contain things that I already detest, after 2 days- natural yoghurt ( yuk), which tastes like a punishment for all those yummy lunches I’ve been having. Bran- the texture of a cardboard, I will be chucking it out of my list, it’s simply not edible. I can just about tolerate some of it as a part of muesli, disguised among some nuts and dried fruit, but will never buy it on its own. Lunch suggestions, like bran fritters “fried” on dry pan will not fly, they will be replaced with Ryvita and avocado, or something that will not make me want to cry!
I am now that person that weighs her bread in the morning before toasting it, checking how calorific avocado is, honey- how much damage do I do to my diet if I sweeten this shitty natural yoghurt with it. I snack on almonds and toasted walnuts, not ideal, but lots better than crisps and munchies ( only Izzie’s Pom Bears are left in the munchies cabinet, so I’m not tempted).
Also, with all the respect to Paulina, the dietician, I will be improving the cooking methods she suggests, food is still my passion, but after a few kgs are gone, I will need to keep an eye on myself, yo yo effect does indeed suck.
So, I started yesterday at 56,8 kg and a disgusting 85 cm around my waist ( HOW did I manage that??????). The training mat is out again, Choda will be back in the front room at least twice a week. Keeping fingers crossed.
Ps. Just added the photo of my rather sad dinner. There are grains on the bottom, topped with chargrilled vegetables, cup mushrooms and torn mozzarella. The veg were to be steamed with some oil, but I grilled them and then topped with a bit of antipasti peppers from the jar; the grains were dry and awful, at least some flavoured oil helped a bit.
Then I had a lick of Izzie’s hazelnut and chocolate ice cream. Yum. My only bit of sugar in 2 days. 🙂
That nice, skinny chap called Michel Roux Jr is now appearing on a very pleasant little show called “Food & Drink”. Last night he made a shepherds pie, his mother’s recipe. And he used ketchup, just like I do. The annoying blond bint that talks about wine on this show was shocked, that a Michelin’s starred chef calls ketchup his secret ingredient, I was happy, cause I do it too.
His recipe;
I stood on the scales this evening after the shower and I discovered that I’ve put on weight( I like putting on weight, cause I hardly ever do!!).
I said to Florek”I put on weight! I’m now 48,5 kg!”
“You fat bitch!” said Florek.
Must be the butter!!!:-D
A few months ago I came across Hanna Lis’s blog called naTemat.pl. I really like her style. And we share the love for food. This particular post is about how to take good photos of food.
For the Polish readers only :-)))