Chocolate and hazelnut panna cotta.

Inspired by the current series of Masterchef.  One of my favourite flavour combinations, a must try! I looked for a recipe online, found a few, didn’t completely follow any. Followed my gut and my taste. For 4 panna cottas I used 250 ml of double cream and 150 ml of milk, which I heated up with a tsp of vanilla sugar and about 3 heaped tsps of nutella. Possibly a bit more, as I kept on adding and tasting, but roughly that. 1,5 leaf of gelatine managed to set it just right. Chilled in the fridge since last night, to be enjoyed this evening after sushi. Very good, potential for a Christmas dessert.

Hazelnut and coffee dacquoise.

This cake took time, effort, some skills and it wasn’t cheap. While I was making it, dividing the work into 2 days, I was thinking about how much I love doing it, how great it feels to take some eggs, butter, nuts, sugar, chocolate etc and turn it into something that delicious. I couldn’t help thinking about hurtful it was, when 2 months ago one of my best friends came to the conclusion, that she needs a break from me, as we have completely different passions and interests. We always have , but suddenly it became a problem and I hate that. But, while stirring my ganache I was thinking- screw that, I feel strong about what I love doing and if someone, even a close someone has a problem with that, that is her freaking problem, not mine.  The blog will remain about food as it has always been, not about reinventing myself, just to please someone.

I first heard about dacquoise on GBBO, but never attempted it until I saw the recipe in Dorota makes it look doable, maybe not easy, but possible. So I started with a nutty meringue, made of 4 egg whites, a tall glass of mixed almonds and hazelnuts, toasted first, then whizzed smooth with 1 tbsp of potato starch. Egg whites got whipped with roughly a glass of caster sugar and a pinch of salt, nuts added, then onto a large, rectangular baking tray, oven only 130 degrees hot, for 1,5 hour. After that time it remained in the oven for another 1,5 hour to dry.

That same day I also prepared the base for the coffee cream- 4 egg yolks lightly whipped with 1/3 glass of sugar, 1 tsp of corn starch, then 3/4 glass of milk was heated up well and slowly added to the eggs, all returned to the heat and stirred till thickened. Then covered with cling film and left till next day in the fridge.

Next day I started with my ganache; 180 g of mixed dark and milk chocolate, covered with 3/4 glass of double cream, which was heated up with a splash of maple syrup. After a minute or 2 it just took a good stir and there was a lovely, shiny ganache.

The coffee buttercream caused me some trouble. I suspect it was the butter(190 g of it, less than recommended) that was maybe too cold in comparison with the egg mixture, but it split pretty badly in the kitchen aid and made me curse and call it names, none of those helped. Google did, so I increased the speed, as instructed and added some ganache, alongside 2 tbsps of hazelnut vodka and 2 tbsps of dry, instant coffee, mixed. It took some time to make the texture acceptable, it wasn’t exactly perfect, but it tasted great.

And then I could start putting it all together. Dorota has a short film included, which makes the assembling of the cake easy. First the meringue is trimmed on the edges, then divided in 4 equal rectangles. 3 are covered with ganache and left to cool for about 15 minutes, the fourth one gets covered by buttercream. The fourth one is then covered by the ganache side number 1, cream on that and repeat again. What emerged then needs a nice, smooth cover of buttercream all over it, chills in the fridge for about 2 hours. Finally- ganache all over, whole hazelnuts on top, flaked almonds on the side- Izzie helped doing that and we both loved it.

What I like about dacquoise is the texture and -in a Masterchefy language- the balance of flavours. It’s got it all- nuts, coffee, chocolate.  And I’m very pleased to be capable of making it. 🙂

Link to the original:

Torcik czekoladowo – kawowy dacquoise

Lemon and raspberry pavlova

Hard to believe, but with all my baking experience I’ve never before baked a meringue ( what??!!).  I’ve had a delicious raspberry Pavlova made by Alice in summer, absolutely loved it, but until last weekend I wasn’t tempted to make one.  Until I cocked up a batch of lemon macaroons that I wanted to take to Louise and James’s.  The batter was so overmixed and runny that I knew right away there would be no macaroons. But I still baked 2 giant ones, thinking- maybe a Pavlova-like kinda dessert of some sorts? The next day however I chucked those 2 giant macaroons, as I didn’t want to risk my reputation by experimenting on those 2 innocent souls and I baked 2 proper ones.  Good tactical move, as on Saturday, after a nice chicken dinner we built a lemon Pavlova, layered with whipped cream, fresh raspberries and raspberry coulis. Pretty much the whole thing went on the spot.  I liked it enough to look through more meringue recipes and I’ll be attempting  a small dacquise this weekend. A bit of a higher shelf, but hey, it’s good to be ambitious.

So, for 2 small meringue discs I used 3 egg whites, which kitchen aid whipped with 120 g of sugar, a tsp of yuzu juice, which I happened to have, 1 tsp of potato starch and a pinch of salt.Also, a tiny drop of yellow food colouring went in.  Baked in 180 degrees for about 5 minutes and then reduced to 140 and baked for roughly 40 minutes, left to cool in the oven.

Hopefully a start to more meringue baking.

Tagliatelle in truffle sauce.

The mood for truffles continued tonight. For supper I served us a dish that all 3 of us loved. It’s one of the greatest joys of being a mum, when Izzie, aged 2,5 sticks her fork into a bowl of tagliatelle, finishes it within 10 minutes and looks into mine, for seconds.  She tried a mince pie this afternoon too, initially didn’t like it, but a few moments later went back and finished it. Great feeling when she’s eager to try things. Even greater when she enjoys the food her parents love.  Truffles???? For a toddler?? Yup. 🙂

Tagliatelle were provided by Waitrose, the sauce was a compilation of my experience and my taste. Finely chopped and fried shallot with a couple of chestnut mushrooms, a splash of Pinot Gris in( I happened to have a bottle open) , a chicken stock bulionette, some water, reduced. A good spoonfull of ricotta to thicken it up, a splash of double cream, lots of black pepper and a couple of teaspoons of that porcini and truffle paste. No salt needed, the stock did the job. Finished with a bit of water and flour mix, pasta in, all nicely covered, lots of fresh parmesan on top and a drizzle of truffle oil. 10 out of 10.

Truffle flavoured pizza.

Florek put this idea in my head this morning, recalling fantastic pasta we once had in Florence- with shaved truffles. I had a £25 voucher for Waitrose and I thought it would be a good way of spending it- on some truffles. I ended up getting 2 different kinds of truffle paste, a cheapish one from Sacla, containing a smear of black truffles which helped to make us a lovely lunch.  The other one, porcini mushroom paste with white truffles will go into a sauce this evening.  For lunch meanwhile we had a simple pizza, dough made to usual recipe, but with less flour, as it’s lunch, not dinner. I skipped tomato sauce entirely and smeared the paste on the dough, then grated some gruyere on that, some cherry tomatoes, shallot rings and after it baked, some shredded iberico ham.  Finished with some black pepper and a drizzle of truffle oil. Yummmmm.

More truffles tonight. 🙂

Chocolate and pistachio cake.

In the mood for pistachios and having some fantastic Conference pears from Hayles fruit farm ( autumn was warm and dry this year, the apples and pears are fabulous ), I searched for a recipe that would accomodate both. I found one in GF, but adjusted it the way I thought would be best. It is, the next day even better!

For my small square tin I used 140 g of unsalted, roasted pistachios, shelled, 100 g of which I whizzed with 60 g of milk chocolate and 50 g of caster sugar. In KA bowl I had 100 g of self raising flour waiting, another 50 g of sugar, 100 g of soft butter. I added the whizzed ingredients and combined with 2 beaten eggs and a splash of milk.  Scraped it into the lined tin, added a few chunky pieces of pears and baked in 190 degrees for about 22-25 minutes, cooled.

Finished with a simple milk chocolate and cream glaze and the remaining 40 g of pistachios, roughly chopped and sprinkled on top. Excellent with a cup of tea on a Thursday morning, when the house is lovely, clean and quiet( toddler in the playgroup). Bliss. 🙂

Bonfire night baked potatoes

I can’t say I’m a big fan of fireworks in general, especially having a small kiddo, who normally sleeps at the time when all this nonsense banging and smoke starts. But I am now a fan of baked potatoes, especially with Swiss cheese and bacon. I came across it on GF website and Florian got excited, so we had them last night. A few spuds first pricked with a fork, drizzled with olive oil and lightly seasoned, baked for about 1,5 hour in 200 degrees. In the meantime, a chunk of Gruyere was grated, some smoky bacon and shallot fried. When the spuds baked, I scooped the soft flesh out into the bowl, added the bacon and shallots, cheese, a touch more of seasoning and some chopped coriander ( I had no parsley) , filled the skins again and put back in the oven for 12 minutes.  Ultimate comfort food, eaten when the fire was burning, the joy only disturbed by Izzie, who refused to have any dinner at all. Lovely baked spuds for us, corn flakes for her. :-/

More confit duck.

This time John Torode’s recipe. I still adore confit duck leg, everytime Florek suggests we eat out, I vote for Wine and Sausage, as theirs is superb. The only issue is they cock up their side dishes, dauphinoise are normally well undercooked and the whole plate costs almost £17. Two duck legs in Ocado are £4, a jar of duck fat is £3.65, the spices were waiting in the cupboard, the herbs in the garden, I therefore got busy. The day before I rubbed the legs with a marinade made of rock salt, toasted coriander and cumin seeds, thinly sliced garlic pieces, some rosemary and thyme. And left in the fridge till next day.

Rubbed off the marinade, did not wash it off as some recipes suggest. Covered the legs with duck fat, added 3 bay leaves and some peppercorns and cooked in the oven for over 2 hours, 140 degrees.  The smell from the oven was superb. Delia’s red cabbage alongside it, as well as Oluta’s dauphinoise- rich, garlicky, creamy, unhealthy and delicious. Massive way forward in cooking duck legs for me. 🙂

Experimental pesto bread.

If I ever publish a cookbook( loud laughter), I might include this bread in it. Mainly due to the fact, that I haven’t copied a recipe here, I just thought this morning- something with pesto would be nice, as pizza went down so well even with Izzie.  So I used 300 g of mixed seed posh flour, which was expensive to buy, but I still got it, as there is so much more to learn in my relationship with bread baking. Crumbled in some fresh yeast, didn’t measure it, just a bit more than for our regular pizza. A splash of olive oil, a pinch of salt( it needs more!) and warm water, added slowly while KA worked the dough- I wanted it quite runny, but not too runny.  It proved in the oven still slightly warm after lemon macaroons till more than doubled in size. Then I knocked it down, rolled out, spread out some pesto on it, quite generously and rolled tightly for the second proving. After about 20 minutes of it I baked it in 200 degrees for about 35 minutes, then switched off the heat and kept it in for another 10.

Ok, it wouldn’t win awards in competitions, but it does taste great with a chilled glass of wine, while it’s still warm. Salted butter is a must. Will be made again, maybe some salty serrano ham on the side or something.

Chocolate mousse with cherries, lacking the booze.

I was in the mood for some cherries in kirsch and chocolate combo, but I had no cherries in kirsch. Didn’t particularly fancy getting a jar of them from Food Fanatics at a cost of £50 000, so I pulled out the remaining cherries from my freezer and soaked them in cherry vodka over night. Some research’s got to be done about how to do that right, so that they were boozy and intense in flavour, as mine were not. But I still made these little desserts to follow braised ox cheeks this evening.

Base- biscuits and melted butter, pressed into the rings, then the cherries minus the liquid. The mousse, tried and tested recipe. For 5 mousses I used 160 ml of double cream, in half of that amount I melted 65 g of dark chocolate and cooled it. Then whipped one egg white with 4 tsps of vanilla sugar. Loosened the cool chocolate with the remaining cream, then gently combined with the whipped egg white.  Filled the rings and to finish the desserts I topped them up with a spoonful of jelly made of that cherry juice, vodka and half a gelatine leaf.  Simple, tasty, good looking.

On the joys of cooking and eating