Coffee custard tart.

The book “The Art of Pastry”, which Nikosia  gave me a few years ago has been used today. I forgot what a great book it was, the recipes from it just work!

This tart was supposed to wait until dessert time, but has been sliced and tasted and I am very pleased indeed.

So, the pastry base, with walnuts, lovely flavours and texture. Made of 175 g of flour, 2tbsp if icing sugar, 115 g of butter, 75 g of walnuts, 1 egg yolk and 2tbsp of cold water.  Kitchen Aid made it into a nice pastry, which I chilled for 30 minutes and then blind baked for 10 minutes in 200 degrees, then another 10 without the baking beans.

While it baked, I made the custard out of 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks, 50 g of sugar. 300 ml of single cream and 150 ml of milk got infused with vanilla paste and about 50 ml of strong coffee and added slowly to the egg and sugar mixture. I’ve done a decent job straining it, as it baked evenly and left no shitty foamy residue, like most of my creme brulees. It took about 45 minutes in 180 degrees ( I lowered it, as the pastry started to smell a bit too intense).  Finished off with icing sugar and a touch of nutmeg.

Clap, clap, clap. 🙂
