Pretty pear mousse that hasn’t set.

Frustrated. Lots of work, passing the pears through a fine sieve, same with raspberries, decorating the plate like Janet Street-Porter in Masterchef, cooling and it hasn’t set. Grrrrr.

I used 2 ripe pears, chopped and cooked off with Poire William liquour, passed, like I mentioned, reheated and mixed with 3/4 of a gelatine leaf. DOUBLE THE AMOUNT OF GELATINE NEXT TIME. Mixed it with cream, lovingly whipped with icing sugar and lemon juice. Made a raspberry coulis which took that remaining quarter of a gelatine leaf and held beautifully on top.

While preparing the plate I used the same coulis, it worked great and looked great. Grrrrrr!!! Will be done again.
