Boozy hazelnut chocolate mousse.

My former colleague from Ubon,Akacja, has started a chat on Facebook yesterday that involved a new flavour of Soplica Vodka, this time it was Soplica Pigwa( quince). If it wasn’t for Izzie, I’d have stopped at a Polish shop in Cheltenham this morning and got some to check it out, it will have to wait a few months though.

We needed a dessert this evening, to go nicely with burgers and a burning fire while it pisses down outside, so I made a mousse, which Florian once branded as better than Gü. The original one was with Amaretto, I had no Amaretto, I had 1,5 bottle of Soplica Orzechowa in the pantry, which is also awaiting the return of the good times.

I used 150 g of double cream, half of which I have melted with 50 g of dark, Swiss chocolate, then left to cool in the sink with cold water. Then added the remaining cream, altogether about 3 tbsps of Soplica- kept on adding and tasting, I wanted to be able to taste the hazelnuts, but minded Izzie at the same time. Then I whipped 1 egg white with 25 g of sugar and folded it in. Topped with some grated white chocolate and chopped pecan nuts( had no hazelnuts). It will set in the fridge for about 3 hours.

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