Carrot cake with something missing.

Yum, just finished the first piece of it. Very nice indeed, if only I could be bothered to get dressed and go get some cream cheese to make the proper topping and make it look great. I decided I can’t be bothered though, as it’s raining, while at home it’s lovely and I have my tea and will just leave the cakeĀ  the way it is.

Recipe from GF, picked for its numerous 5 star reviews- that always helps. I’m glad it’s risen nicely and is as light and tasty as promised, I cocked up a few carrot cakes in my life before.

For this one I used 175 g of muscovado sugar, 150 ml of veggie oil, mixed it with 3 beaten eggs. Then I added 175g of grated carrots, a zest of one orange, plus some of that sweet, cooked orange peel I still have from my Mum’s visit for Christmas. 50 g of raisins and same amount of chopped walnuts. Then 175 g of self raising flour with an extra tsp of bicarbonate soda and finally a big fat tsp of cinnamon and a bit less of freshly grated nutmeg. Once I combined all that, I added yet more cinnamon, which I adore on everything, apart from my kitchen rug- I had an accident yesterday and even Dyson didn’t manage to get all of it off.

The cake baked in 180 degrees for 45 minutes, filled the house with great smell. When it cooled a bit, I made the frosting out of some icing sugar, orange juice and the remaining Cointreau I had in the pantry- that bottle lasted me years! The recipe said that it should be as thick as single cream, I don’t like stuff sickly sweet though, so I stopped adding sugar when close to that point.

Very nice cake, the recipe is a keeper, next time though- proper creamy frosting.