Easter Cheesecake.

I’m finding all sorts of ways to pass time, hoping Izzie will stop nudging and get to work of emerging into the world.  It’s Easter tomorrow and though I’m not massive about tradition ( my father would disown me again if he read it), I thought one little eggy thing would be nice.  So I baked a New York Cheesecake according to that very same recipe-

New York Cheesecake.

only I swapped lemon juice for yuzu juice, which Nicolo brought me from Dinings 2 weeks ago. Yuzu flavour is unmistakable, fresh and lovely. Especially the glaze I’m very pleased with. All topped with chocolate eggs it’s now setting in the fridge. Pleased with the way I made it look and I’m wondering, if I ever get brave enough and start doing it for a living- what would I charge for it?

Happy Easter, come on Izzie!!! 🙂