The ultimate creme brulee.

Dare I say, I finally mastered it. Took lots of attempts, dozens of eggs, litres of cream and plenty of- however cholesterol is measured- but the ones I made today are perfect. I made 6, 4 for tomorrow( Ewa’s bringing her new chap over for dinner) and 2 for us for today, to make sure they’re ok to serve to people.

The recipe’s Michel Roux’s. For 6 of my small ramekins I used 5 egg yolks, creamed with 4 tbsps of sugar. 300 ml of double cream heated up with 90 ml of milk and generous tsp of vanilla paste.  The flavoured, hot cream gently poured into the eggs, the froth discarded, then into the bain marie for 35 minutes in 140 degrees. After 35 minutes I switched off the heat and left them inside the oven for another 10 minutes.  Finally, finally pleased with the texture. Yeah!! 🙂

The photo rather unconventional today, those are the 4 ones in the fridge awaiting Ewa and the chap tomorrow.

Oh, and a smile from Izzie, who is yet to discover lovely things like creme brulee.

