Multiseeded bread.

Zuzia made it first and sent me the link to, an awesome website with lots of lovely stuff, that will follow here shortly.

Zuzia’s bread was well risen and she reckoned it was really easy to make and tasted great, so I bought some seeds and stuff and got cracking this afternoon.  I planned to make a simple supper with homemade bread, some antipasti and Pinot Gris, to nicely finish a day that featured looking at tiles, floors and bathrooms that will soon be fitted in our new, our own home.

For the bread I used 500 g packet of wholemeal bread flour, 25g of dry yeast ( next time I’ll try fresh), 1tsp of salt, 3 tbsps of sugar, 3 tbps of sunflower seeds( lovely flavour!), 1 tbsp of sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds, a small packet of Aspen porridge- that’s instead of wheat bran the recipe asked for. And finally a handful of pecan nuts, after Zuzia who threw some too. All this was bound together by 250 ml of like warm water,  Kitchen aid did the hard bit, then I proved it for 20 minutes. Then knocked it down, put into 2 small buttered tins, worked it again for a moment and then proved again for 20 minutes. Finally into the oven in 230 degrees. The recipe said about an hour in this temperature. It wouldn’t have worked for me, either because of the old, shitty oven, that was slightly smoking because of the full whack, or for any other reason, I had to turn it down to 200 degrees after 25 minutes.

The result was slightly low, but very tasty (sunflower) bread with very crunchy skin. Very filling too. Will be done again with fresh yeast and maybe worked by hand. 🙂