What to do with a punnet of plums.

Make into a cake, obviously.  And then enjoy with a cup of coffee, instead of exercising the tummy muscles. My kinda diet. 🙂

The plums were ripening by the window for nearly a week, it was time to use them. The recipe from GF website caught my attention because of the ginger. I nearly doubled the amount suggested and I still don’t think it was enough. Either it’s time to get fresh ground ginger or my taste buds are not working properly.

The oven was warming to 180 degrees, I prepared my tin with baking parchment and some brown sugar on the greased surface, onto the sugar went quartered plums.  I melted 175 g of butter with same amount of brown sugar and about 60 g of golden syrup, left it to cool slightly for 10 minutes, while beating 2 eggs into 200 ml of milk. Into the mixture it went, plus 300 g of self raising sugar, 1/2 tsp of soda, not enough of ginger( recipe said 1 tbsp) and 1 tsp of mixed spice. Not only did I doubled the amount of spice, also chucked in some cinnamon. All baked for about 50 minutes, when slightly cooled I turned it upside down and I’m now enjoying the second piece.  Daily 17 minutes with Ewa Chodakowska are cancelled today due to lack of motivation. 🙂