Strawberry and poppy seed mousse cake.

In the recent GF it stands as a “Queen of hearts” cake, but theirs has hearts on top, mine has flowers, due to not having a heart shaped cutter.  I baked the base last night, this morning made the mousse and the rest, then spent 30 minutes cleaning the kitchen. This cake belongs to the “Lots of pierdolenie” category, should one like that exist. 🙂

So, for the base;5 egg yolks got beaten with 160 g of caster sugar. A zest and juice of 1 lemon added( can’t taste any, to be frank),85 g of self raising flour, 25 g of ground almonds and a tbsp of poppy seeds, all taken care of by the kitchen aid. The egg whites whipped separately got added later, to loosen up the mixture. It all baked for about 25 minutes in 180 degrees.

This morning sliced horizontally, strawberries placed tightly around the edges, then all covered by the mousse. For the mousse I blitzed 400 g of strawberries with about 5 tbsps of sugar- less than in the recipe, I though 200 g was a bit mental.  I then passed it through a sieve to have it nice and smooth. Warmed up, melted 4 gelatine leaves in. Whipped around 350 ml of cream and added the strawberry mixture. And finally the top layer, which took a lot of time. I drew a template dividing it into 16 small squares, cut through some and filled in with strawberry jam. Sprinkled the other ones with icing sugar. Set in the fridge for a couple of hours.

The cake’s light, refreshing, easy to eat. It will be great in summer. Dustin has just licked the remains from Florek’s plate. 🙂