Quick rhubarb and lemon whip up.

Robert, former landlord and neighbour has kindly brought me a few pieces of lovely, home grown rhubarb from his garden. I searched GF website for another nice way to use it, I wanted something different than the usual tart with kruszonka. I found this one, with lemon curd frosting, very nice indeed, best eaten on the same day though.

For my small round 6″ tin I used 110 g of softened butter, creamed with same amount of sugar, a zest of 1 lemon, 2 whole eggs, 35 g of almonds and 100 g of self raising flour.

The rhubarb just cleaned and chopped in small pieces, tossed in sugar, half of it folded through the cake , the remainder went on top, plus some brown sugar. It baked in 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Moist, light, pleasant. Simple icing made of whipped cream and some lemon curd, that easy.  🙂

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