An awesome hazelnut cake.

Aska brought one last weekend and I thought it was my favourite cake I’ve ever tasted that came out of her kitchen.  I immediately asked for the recipe, got it and got cracking.

It takes 150 g of butter, 100 g of blanched hazelnuts, 140 g of self raising flour, 100 g of sugar, 2 beaten eggs, 5 ripe conference pears and 50 g of chopped, dark chocolate.

While the oven warms up to 160 degrees, the tin is buttered and lined, the hazelnuts get ground till fairly fine. In goes the butter and the flour, till the mixture resembles crumbs. In goes sugar and eggs. 2 of the pears, peeled, cored and chopped- in, as well as chocolate. The mixture is unusually thick, needs to be worked with a fork. When in the tin and flattened, the remaining sliced pears go on top.  It bakes for about an hour, till firm.

Aska omitted the chocolate in her bake, I didn’t, I think it’s money, the whole cake reminds me of some decadent cocktail, maybe espresso martini with some Frangelico or hazelnut vodka.  Super nice.