Fraisier, first attempt.

I saw it being made on Creme de la Creme, I saw it in my posh Laduree book, it had to be made. Especially with a jar of pistachio paste sitting in the pantry. Ewa and Co were to come yesterday for the last installment of Izzie’s birthday, so there was a great excuse.

Almond sponge; 3 large eggs whipped with half a glass of caster sugar. 3/4 glass of plain flour and same amount of ground almonds plus a 1/2 tsp of baking powder gently mixed in. All baked for 20-25 minutes in 170 degrees. I’ve made the sponge the day before, the filling  and the rest today.  5 egg yolks whipped with half a glass of sugar again, while 130 ml of milk was being heated up on the stove. 4 gelatine leaves soaking in small amount of water as it happens. Half of the milk added to the yolks, the whole thing returned to the pan with the remaining milk, slowly warmed up till slightly thickened. Gelatine added with its liquid. Pistachio paste added, about 2 tbsps. The colour didn’t amaze me, so I added a little green colourant.

Finally 500 ml of double cream, whipped. Combined with cooled pistachio cream.

I sliced the sponge horizontally, soaked with some Grand Marnier, arranged strawberries along the form. There’s got to be a  better way of doing it, so that the cream didn’t get in between the strawberries and the form and ended up looking as awesome as on the picture.

All left to set overnight. Before serving some crushed pistachios were added on top and it was ready to be sliced.

Opinions are divided. Florek loved it. Izzie had quite a lot and kept on asking for more. The guests liked it, but they are the guests who like everything. I think it’s pleasant, but I’m not blown away. With better strawberries, not those I had and maybe more pistachio flavour it would have been better. Might have another go at it  when strawberries in season properly.

Ps. I must add on Monday evening, this cake does not keep well. Strawberries seem to start fermenting and the whole thing tastes funny. Shame, quite a chunk of it down the bin. 🙁