Gennaro’s pizza.

A breakthrough in my pizza making. I had Gennaro Contaldo’s book sitting on the shelf for a couple of years, had a look through it yesterday and came across a recipe for ” La vera pizza napoletana”. Just what I needed after a few of my recent pizzas having a serious quality issues, especially the dough.  I picked up some mozzarella this afternoon and made us 2 small pizzas, that were simply the best ones I’ve ever made.  And on Florek’s request I added some pepperoni to tomorrow’s Ocado order, as there will be more of that awesome pizza made this week!

For 2 pizzas I used 250 g of 00 flour, 0,5 tsp of salt, 5 g of fresh yeast, 160 ml of warm water, Kitchen Aid worked it for a few minutes, then it proved for an hour in a warm oven cooling after creme brulees.

Rolled out as thinly as a thick pancake, the pizzas went onto an oiled tray, a freshly made tomato sauce onto it, but not as much as I used to do, less, I didn’t want another soggy pizza. Fresh basil. Mozzarella, a good sprinkling of parmesan. 7 minutes in the oven heated up to 250 degrees. Simply fantastic!!!! 🙂 Good evening that was!