Amaretto macarons.

On a visit to Whole Foods yesterday I had a peek at their macarons display and saw champagne flavoured ones, which inspired me to try something a little different. We’re not big champagne drinkers, Florek and I, I do like a glass of prosecco every now and then, but we hardly ever have bubbles at home. What we do happen to have is a handsome bottle of Disaronno. I’ve made a Disaronno jelly out of 100 ml of the liqueur and a gelatine leaf, while the perfect batch of macarons were baking.  I also replaced 65 g of almonds with toasted and ground walnuts in the original recipe, but I can’t say it massively revolutionized the taste.  The jelly was nicely set, enough to cut it out with a round cake nozzle, but in the end I just spooned it out onto the shells.

Onto those I added a ring of chocolate ganache. As the shells were perfect today, they needed no time to soak, they were good to eat pretty much straight away. I have to say- exquisite. The jelly is very strong when tasted on its own, but with the ganache and meringue makes for a real treat.  Another door opened, getting ideas for the festive season in 3 months time. 🙂