Blueberry and lime semifreddo.

The recipe for this thing has been sitting in my recipe book for a couple of years. Back in the days when Jedrek and Aska could be bothered to keep in touch, when we used to socialize and enjoy long weekends. Aska brought an ice cream machine once and made it for everyone, left me the recipe and only now I used it. I’m tempted to do it again, but to make a proper custard base, instead of whipped cream.

I used juice from 2 limes and a zest from one, slowly cooked it down with 140 g of caster sugar, before adding about 140 g of blueberries and a handful of raspberries, that were sitting there looking miserable. Cooked all this down too, till the fruit broke down, then passed it through the sieve and cooled down. Then 290 ml of double cream whipped till soft peaks formed, puree folded in, wrapped in cling film lined dish and frozen till the evening. Really nice, refreshing little number. It makes me think though, how much better still it could be if based on a nice, thick, creamy custard. Hmmm. ….