My first ever panna cotta from scratch- DONE.

As much as I’m still pissed off with Ramsay, had to put it in the title, cause I used his recipe. Simple recipe from Good Food, none of the ” reduced fat yoghurt” nonsense, just 300ml of double cream, 75 ml whole milk, 100g of sugar- a bit less I think, Florek reckons it’s just as sweet as it should be and- gelatine. If leaves, about 1,5 leaf, if sachettes, I dissolved one and used half of it. Consistency was perfect.

Gelatine dissolves first, left to await its turn, cream, milk, sugar with a good spoon of vanilla paste slowly brought to simmer. When cooled a little, I added gelatine and poured it all into my cool, new silicone thingies that are meant for baking muffins, but I want them for panna cotta.

It took them about 3 hours to set in the fridge.

The compote- Oluta happened to haveĀ  a bag of frozen raspberries in the fridge, so she chucked it in the pan with a bit of water and honey and simmered for 10 minutes. That simple. That beautiful.


Ken took us out last night, we went to the place we’ve been to before and I remembered it from its awesome creme brulee. Pub grub, said Alice, but I thought it was much more than that. Tonight I tried venison for the first time ever. LOVED IT! It was a grilled steak, served with roasted parsnips and carrots, some dauphinoise spuds and jus, very rich, but not overpowering. Gamey, tasty, tons of flavour. Lost my venison virginity.

I am definitely a fan.