Baked caramelised bananas.

Last weekend on a random visit to Tk Maxx with Moka I bought 2 iron dishes, heavy, nice ones, wasn’t quite sure what for, but I bought them. This evening I though I’d have a great use for them, I could make the dessert that used to make us drool over the table in Zizzi’s in Canary Wharf, where we used to spend our breaks ( and money).

It took me 5 minutes to place sliced bananas in the dishes, pour over them a mixture of honey, lemon juice, cinnamon and brown sugar, dot them with butter and bake off for about 12 minutes. Next time though I will take my time and make proper caramel for them. Those in Zizzi used to be served with delicious pistachio ice cream, I didn’t have pistachio, I had coffee ice cream. I served it hot, with slightly melting ice cream on top.
