Maple and pecan tart.

From some old edition of Good Food. I’ve made it once before and took it to work, it was enthusiastically received. Famous food critic Florian has just given it 9 out of 10. 🙂

For the pastry I used 200 g of plain flour, 100g chilled butter, 1 tbsp icing sugar and 1 beaten egg. I made into a pastry and chilled in the freezer quickly and worked on the filling. I toasted 280 g of chopped pecan nuts and added them to the mixture of 250 ml of maple suryp, 75 g of brown sugar and 75 ml of double cream, which was bubbling on the stove for about 5 mins. The chilled pastry was blind baked in 180 degrees for about 15 mins, was then filled with the nutty stuff and back to the oven for about 25 mins, until bubbly and gorgeous. The kitchen still smells great.