Green tea creme brulee.

I consider it a  success, Florian however, grrrrrr, says if it was a classic one, vanilla flavoured, not the green tea, it would be great. :- /

I used 150 ml of double cream, 50 g of sugar and 3 egg yolks. I also infused about 30ml of milk with 3 tsp of macha powder and added it to the cream. I creamed the egg yolks with sugar until lovely, thick and pale and kept on whipping while slowly adding the infused cream. I then baked the brulees in bain marie for 40 minutes in 150 degrees, gas 2.  Yes, I admit, the sugar work is not astounding, but I’m pleased, with the taste and overall. 8.5 out of 10. Yeah. 🙂