We went to Cheltenham Food & Drink Festival. All the people I wanted to see, Gennaro Contaldo and Antonio Carluccio and Phil Vickery were all there yesterday, but still, we went to see if there were any tasty treats left. There were. Only the weather was crap, which made us head home after 2 hours. There were great macaroons, as pictured. Nearly, nearly as good as the ones in Paris, only, I thought, the French ones have as much flavour in the cookie itself, as in the filling, the ones below lacked a bit in the base. Only 3 made it home though. 🙂

There was also a dude selling cheeses, freaky flavours like pina colada cheddar (WTF???), the texture of cheddar, but sweet taste that didn’t make sense. The ginger and whisky one though was awesome and came home with us.

We also sat through a wine talk about Bordeaux wines, tasted some, of which the lovely sweet Sauternes spoke to me most, so was purchased on the way home, alongside some prawns, olive bread, Roquefort and that stunning truffle brie they have in Whole Foods. Sauternes, bread, Roquefort and Brie were demolished while watching “Casino Jack”( not brilliant despite Kevin Spacey being in it), so much for Florek’s diet today.
To finish with, 3 hours later, I made super quick shrimp supper. The beauty of the seafood from Whole Foods is not just the quality of it, but as I took the shrimps out to clean them before marinating I discovered they were already deveined. This kind of service I like!!!! I quickly marinated the girls in a mixture of soy, sesame oil, green chilli and coriander, 2 minutes on each side on the griddle pan and onto a simple rocket and tomato salad. I used the photo of it to convince Zuzia Matuszkiewicz to pay us a visit one day. 🙂